Join the
Sleepy Squish Squad NOW!

Like Minded Parenting Community

Access to a like minded parenting community where you have the opportunity to connect with other mums who are going through the same struggles as you. Parenting can be so isolating so this community will be a safe place to talk about all things babies and sleep, provide advice and support to other parents. Not like your average Facebook parenting groups!

Members Only Sleep Information

I will be creating members only information and upload to the portal so you can access these when it suits your situation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and deep dive into topics in a way you wont be able to anywhere else.

1-1 Support Options

There are a few options for 1:1 support this could include creating a detailed plan with the add on for continued membership to ask questions throughout your little ones whole sleep journey, a weekly check in to touch base for any bumps in the road or for our gold members the option to send a message whenever a question pops up.

Sleepy Squish Squad
Every month

Get anytime access to our growing collection of sleep information, sleep community, while having access to a sleep consultant to ask any questions that may arise around your little ones sleep.

✓ Weekly Check Ins
✓ Allocated 2-3 messages during the week between checks
✓ Special discount to full support options
✓ Access to monthly zoom catch ups
✓ Access to members only special info content

The Reason Why!

Too many times have I supported families through the initial phases of sleep issues and they have been nervous for support to finish up or they feel worried about what might happen in the future so I wanted to create a safe space where we could continue this support and help families for the entire duration of their little ones sleep journey!

I am here to help you and your family through it all.

I am passionate about creating a community where you feel safe and supported in your sleep journey and a place where you can feel less alone in the world of sleep!


  • The membership is designed to follow you though the struggles of your little ones sleep journey, whatever this may look like for you so yes you can cancel whenever this is no loner needed!

  • They will all be recorded and uploaded onto the portal so you can always go back and rewatch

  • The idea for the membership is to provide on going support through all the little bumps in the road that may appear with your little ones sleep journey. It is not however to replace the need for a sleep plan, if a plan is needed I will chat with you about a discounted option to ensure we create a plan that is suitable!

  • The fortnighly check ins will be done on every second Monday. I highly recommend writing down your questions and compiling them into a message ready for our fortnightly checks. If you have the GOLD subscription you will have the option to message when a question pops up in your mind but I will be replying when I have the time it is not unlimited support.