Foundations of Newborn Sleep

Parenting is a confusing and daunting time.
Let us take the stress away from baby sleep and help you to feel empowered and educated around your little ones sleep.

It’s all well and good to be told “That’s Normal” or “Oh I remember this stage, dont worry it will pass”. Well I don’t know about you but that is not helpful when you’re struggling. This membership was created to provide you the information around WHY these things are happening along with some survival tips to arm yourself with.

STOP spending hours googling what to do! Join Now to get all the information in one place with me supporting you through the Journey.

Cost: $220

What’s Included:

Educational Videos.

These videos are designed to educate and empower you around newborn sleep. The idea is for you to no longer just survive the newborn days but to thrive as the amazing parents you are.

Downloadable Resources.

Its all well and good to watch the videos and have the information in your brain but as a parent to a newborn, if you're anything like me you could retain any information. Well fear not, these resources are designed to be your cheat sheets when the times get tough.

Live Q&A’s.

Throughout this membership we will be having regular Q&A’s to give you an opportunity to meet other parents, ask any questions you have and to get reassurance along the way.

“All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood—all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience.” —Penelope Cruz

Foundations of Newborn Sleep

Cost $220