My Top Travel Tips

I have broken this information into sections to make it a bit easier to navigate, this will hopefully help to keep it relevant for what you need. This blog explains my tips for travelling on a plane and in the car and how to navigate those naps while travelling to ensure you get the best out of your holiday.

Travelling on a Plane or In the Car

I recently travelled with my 18 month old to Adelaide and while it was only a short 2 hour flight I was able to experience travelling prior to nap time and during nap time. So here are my tips for survival

  • Snacks, Snacks and more Snacks. You can never have too many snacks, try to make sure they are easy to store and not too messy.

  • Dress baby comfortable and easy for nappy changes. Remembering the plane can often be cooler temperature.

  • Entertainment, now I know screen time can be controversial but forget what you have heard and please trust me when I say USE SCREEN TIME, it was a saviour during our travel and we can’t thank Bluey enough!

  • New toys. Try to get some new toys that your little one would be excited to use for the first time, travel safe drawing books/pencils, fidget toys, books.

  • Offer a bottle, a yoghurt or a sippy drink at the time off take off and landing to protect your little ones ears.

  • If travelling during nap time try to get your little one to nap on you or even just offer some quiet time with a cuddle. If they don’t nap on the plane they will probably catch up on some sleep once you’re in the car.

  • Try to get their nap on the way to the airport or on the way home/to your destination in the car.

  • If all naps fail, don’t stress just offer an early bedtime.

Road Trips

Many tips for the car will be quite similar to the plane in terms of entertainment however you do have the opportunity to plan times a bit more depending how far the travel is.

  • Snacks, Snacks and more Snacks. You can never have too many snacks.

  • Dress baby comfortable and easy for nappy changes.

  • Entertainment, now I know screen time can be controversial but forget what you have heard and please trust me when I say USE SCREEN TIME, it was a saviour during our travel and we can’t thank Bluey enough!

  • New toys. Try to get some new toys that your little one would be excited to use for the first time, travel safe drawing books/pencils, fidget toys, books.

  • Time some stops to get out, stretch the legs and burn some energy off.

  • Depending on how far the travel and how your little one sleeps in the car you could either plan to leave after the nap or before the nap to either get them napping in the car or have had a good nap prior to the trip. (this is very baby dependant)

  • If all naps fail, don’t stress just offer an early bedtime.

Travel and Sleep

So I often get asked a lot about how to keep the environment the same or how to navigate the naps while travelling. My little one has not been very good at napping on the go and rarely will have a contact nap so I have spent a lot of time just winging it while on holidays, however I do have some tips that may help.

  • A safe portable cot. You can trial your little one in there prior to the holiday if you like.

  • A sheet from home with a familiar smell for the cot

  • Blackout covers or Blackout Blinds (Snoozeshade, Use the code sleepysquishco for 10% off, Slumberpod or Sleepy Sundays)

  • Portable white noise machine to help keep the environment consistent and blockout external nosies, especially when sharing rooms.

  • Usual comforts from home, Comforter, sleep suit, pyjamas

  • Usual wind down routine and settling technique.

  • Alternating days with naps, so for example have one day with naps on the go and early bedtime and the following day a rest day get those naps and enjoy a later bedtime/dinner out. Trying to do your best to catch up on some sleep where ever you can.

Most importantly have fun, relax (as best as you can with children) and whatever happens you can always get back on track when you get home. Expect the day naps to be shorter, probably earlier wakes in the morning and remember that there is soo many new things happening try to be kind to your little one. It is normal to see a few more tantrums or big emotions, they will usually be overstimulated, excited and overtired = recipe for tantrums haha!

And remember that even if the holiday is tough and exhausting the memories you make will be so worth every minute.


My Birth Story


Let’s Talk Baby Sleep Cycles