Jamie’s Birth Stories

Ashton - Born 7th January 2021
Ashton’s pregnancy was a textbook pregnancy, literally no issues, no extra hospital visits, everything was perfect.

6th January 2021
The morning was like any other morning, however I started to feel some cramps. I put these down to braxton hicks cramps and left it alone. They started getting stronger and stronger and much closer together, I decided stuff it - I’ll use the contraction timer app that I had downloaded to see what it had said. These “braxton hicks” were about 9 mins apart but the pain wasn’t that bad, but they were certainly taking my breath away. Ashton was my first baby so I was absolutely clueless. I went shopping for a new bed and they started causing me to stop in my tracks and bend over in pain. I joked to my husband that it would be funny if I gave birth on the floor of the bed place. I had my 36 week midwife appointment that night so figured I would talk to them about it. Of course the entire time I was there I didn’t get 1 cramp! While I went off to do my swab the midwife told Trent that even though they can’t tell me to go to birthing unit, he should prepare that baby would be here soon.

That night was horrible, the pain was through the roof and I couldn’t sleep, but I managed. 8am in the morning I called out to Trent to hurry up and get off the toilet because I was busting! I got up walked two steps, onto the floor boards and felt this huge pop and gush of water. I yelled to Trent to get off the toilet because my water had broken.

We made it to the hospital and I could not sit down. The pain was excruciating, but the midwife’s hooked me up to the machine and told me to sit and wait while they tested my waters…. It was evident that it was my waters but they had to do what they had to do I guess. I was stuck in the observation room from 9am until 2pm, the midwife actually came in and told me I was scaring the other mothers because I was screaming the place down to much, at this point no one had actually checked my dilation. I was begging to go to a birthing suite because I needed the toilet. A new midwife came in and asked me what I mean by needing to go to the toilet and I said “I NEED TO SHIT!!!!”” hahaha but of course that wasn’t the case at all, she checked my dialation and saw Ashton’s head and rushed me to the birthing suite. I got into the shower for 10 mins sucked on some gas and sat in the toilet and said I need to go! The midwife’s got me on the bed and told me to push! At this point I had no idea how to push and I launched the poor midwife holding my legs across the room! Few pushes later and out came little Ashton weighing 2.7kgs at 37 weeks on the dot 7th Jan 2021.

Saxon Birth story - 19/09/2022
This little ratbag just DID NOT want to come out. I was 40+2 weeks and something didn’t feel right on the morning of the 19th of September. I felt him, but not as much as usual. So I decided to go into the hospital for reduced fetal movement. The midwife I had was amazing, she was so thorough and she made me feel so comfortable. They hooked me up to the machine and monitored bub for an hour, she wasn’t overly happy so asked what the on call doctor thought. As this was my second presentation for reduced movement and I was term the doctor wanted to induce me! I was not organised, I didn’t have my hospital bag and my partner was at work. Midwife saw that my uterus was quite active on the machine so offered a stretch and sweep to see if I would go into labour on my own without the need for an induction. She gave me the stretch and sweep (DO NOT recommend) and we waited. Nothing was happening, I was walking around the observation room, for about an hour. Nothing. Midwife came in and suggested that I go for walk around the hospital to loosen me up. So I walked out of the birthing suite and into the elevator. As soon as I stepped foot into the elevator my water broke. So I pushed the button to go up, walked back into the birthing suite and met the midwife.

She put me back in the room and hooked me back up to the machine to monitor bub. I was in there for 3 hours with no contractions, no nothing. - this kid just did not want to come out. By 5.30pm the contractions finally started - 5 hours after my water had broken and it was from here that we went from zero to 100 fast! The contractions were strong and I went from 3cm dialated to fully dialated in under an hour. I was begging for an epidural but of course it was too late (AGAIN) I had the gas but it was making me extremely nauseous. Bub’s heart rate dropped, and I was forced to push through my contractions and even without any contractions to get him out. I was told that the cord was wrapped around his neck so we needed to get him out. The inner barbarian came out of me and after 9 mins of pushing, Saxon came flying out and he was out in my arms. He was beautiful but something wasn’t right. He was a little too quiet. Code blue was called and the room filled with doctors sucking out all the mucus from his lungs that he had not been able to rid himself because of the speed he came flying out. After about 20 mins with the doctors he came good and I finally had my little fatty in my arms.

Saxon Born 19/09/2022, 3.4kgs and a head full of hair.


Let’s Talk Baby Sleep Cycles


Birth Story- Hannah