Wind Down & Bedtime Routines

I love a good wind down routine, our little ones thrive on predictability, it helps them to feel safe, secure and the older bubs tend to feel a sense of control as they know what’s expected of them.  Having a predictable wind down routine that is repeated before each nap and a more extended version before bedtime is an important element of sleep hygiene. A consistent wind down routine helps your baby recognise that they are getting ready for sleep and it allows them time to begin relaxing and calming down. is a great way to prepare them for bed and it is a great time for that extra special 1:1 time together. It’s so easy get swept up in the daily tasks and busy life, it’s a great opportunity for the whole family to spend some time together.

Start your wind down ritual around 15-20 minutes before sleep, this will vary for all babies as some may need more or less wind down time. We want to ensure your little one isn't falling asleep during the wind down as we want to encourage falling asleep in the cot. The routine may be tailored to your family, it is important to keep it consistent and the idea is to avoid external stimulation. I recommend doing the wind down routine in their bedroom away from too much distraction.

Wind down routine

-       A short walk outside
-       A song, rhyme or book
-       A long cuddle
-       Putting their sleeping bag on
-       Turning on the white noise
-       Goodnight phrase

I also recommend getting some fresh air and sunshine throughout the day. This will help boost serotonin production which is converted into melatonin, out sleepy hormone to help support better sleep.

A bedtime routine is slightly different to the wind down before the naps as we want them short, this will be a longer version. The bedtime routine should be calm and involve a lot of 1:1 time this will help prevent any concerns around separation anxiety and will help to fill up your little one’s cup before going to bed. Bed can often trigger a lot of emotion as our little ones get older as they realise it’s a long time between bed and morning, this can be scary knowing they will be away from you for a while. The bedtime routine is a great way to give them that extra love and undivided attention to prepare them for bed. I recommend avoiding any television or blue light at least 2 hours before bed.

A bedtime routine example

-       Dinner
-       Bath
-       Massage/into pyjamas
-       Bottle
-       Brush teeth
-       Book/song/cuddle
-       Bed


Birth Story- Hannah


Sleep Associations